Then, select a person you want to be your drug dealer.Although Shaman is different from drug dealer as it won’t provide you weed. Now choose the option of “Assign NPC”.Although it won’t offer you drugs, it will assign an NPC to buy them for you. Moreover, if the above method is not working then, go for “Shaman”. Do not put the downloaded files into the subfolders.Also, make sure your mods and scripts are enabled before you start the game.Moreover, if you face problems in social interactions in the game, then place the basementaldrugs.ts4script files directly into your default mods folder.Delete all the older basemental files before updating and installing the new ones.

Moreover, it avails you with different moodlets like come ups, comedowns, peaks, addiction, overdoses, and hangovers.

The mod further provides you with custom animations and drugs, altered walk styles, moods, and needs. The principal idea behind this weed mod Sims 4 is realism as people in real life can be very much interested in doing drugs. What exactly the term “basemental drugs” means? The illegal drug Sims 4 is a thoroughly served drug store with all the related activities like weed selling and buying. Now, let us dive straight into the content but before that let us know. Basemental Drugs Sims 4 Basemental drugs Updates and Details