It is a chance for companies to show that they care about the wellness of their employees, both physical and mental.” Progyny Client Staffing Services “We continue to herald Progyny as our game-changer – the offering that sets us apart from our competitors and our peers.” Progyny Client Manufacturing “In today’s competitive job market, not having a solution that supports employees with the right resources, you run the risk of losing employees.” Benefits Consultant “Not only am I able to vouch for Progyny from a plan sponsor perspective, but I also experienced Progyny as a patient….what we found is that if you pivot to an emphasis on experience and quality, you will see improved outcomes and reduced costs over time. Moving to the and bundling everything in a nice package, creating that nice experience - employees were thrilled.” Progyny Client Technology “This is such an important benefit to help people through a really taxing time. In the past, the price was lower than the recent and has three categories: Monthly Plan (14.95/month), 6-Month-Plan (13.33/month 79.98/6 months), and Yearly Plan (8.33/month 99.66/yr) however, they are no longer available. “A lifetime max does not cover what a member or couple needs to get them where they need to be. History It was added on August 26th, 2021.